
If you are in the labs you will need to install pip locally. Follow these steps carefully:

Open a terminal and change directory to home:

$ cd ~

Get the pip installer script with wget (downloads a file form the web):

$ wget -P ~


If you are wondering what is pip, think of it as a package manager for Python modules. Like apt-get or yum but just for tools written in Python.

Install pip locally (it will get installed to ~/.local):

$ python ~/ --user

Append the binaries directory that contains all the pip executables to your $PATH variable. Either do it manually or simply execute this line of code that will write a new line on your .bashrc file:

$ echo "PATH=\$PATH:~/.local/bin" >> ~/.bashrc

Close the shell and start a new one. Alternatively reload your profile:

$ source ~/.bashrc

Done! Now proceed to installation... Which is just one line of code:

$ pip install cerda --user